Perfectly contoured chin and cheeks.

Enhance your natural contours.

Achieve a more defined profile by addressing key facial concerns such as double chin, sagging cheeks, jowls, and a wider jawline. Our advanced treatments are designed to enhance your natural contours, creating perfectly balanced chin and cheek definition.


Double chin concerns.

A double chin can affect both your appearance and self-confidence.

Submental fullness, or a double chin, can be caused by several factors, including aging, genetics, and weight. As we age, fat distribution changes, leading to increased fat under the chin while other areas, like the cheeks, may lose volume. Genetics can also play a role, even in individuals with a normal body weight. Thankfully, with effective treatments, it's possible to reduce your double chin and achieve a more defined chin and jawline structure.

Treatment options.

We offer tailored solutions to target a double chin, treatments include Cooltech, Deoxycholic Acid, EMFACE, and Ultherapy.

Book a complimentary consultation to restore your contoured jaw line.

Cheek concerns.

As we age, our cheeks lose volume, causing them to sag and lose definition.

This volume loss, combined with increased skin laxity, can lead to a tired, hollow appearance. Cheeks that were once full and lifted can begin to droop, affecting the overall structure of the face. Mid-face rejuvenation is crucial to restoring a refreshed, youthful look, helping to lift sagging skin and redefine facial contours.

Treatment options.

To address cheek concerns, treatments focus on lifting sagging skin and improving skin laxity. We often recommend a combination approach for optimal, cumulative results. Options include Dermal Fillers, Sculptra, and EMFACE, all of which work together or separately depending on the need.

Book a complimentary consultation to restore cheek volume.

Close up of cute asian girl with glowing skin against blue background. Beautiful face of girl with fresh healthy skin.
Close up of cute asian girl with glowing skin against blue background. Beautiful face of girl with fresh healthy skin.

Jowls and jawline concerns.

One of the earliest signs of aging is the loss of a firm, angular jawline

As facial volume decreases, causing tissues to shift downward. While some fat pads shrink with age, jowl fat often expands, creating a heavier jawline. This, combined with looser skin from reduced collagen and elastin, results in a wavy, less defined jawline, often noticeable in photos or the mirror.

Treatment options.

Effective treatments for jowls and a heavier jawline include non-surgical options like dermal fillers or Sculptra to lift and firm. EMFACE tightens the underlying muscles, while Ultherapy lifts and tightens the skin for a more sculpted jawline.

Book a complimentary consultation to address jowl and jawline concerns.

Wide jawline conerns.

As you age and facial support decreases.

The youthful triangle of your face, where the widest point is across the cheeks, can invert, making your face appear wider and heavier at the bottom. For some, strong chewing muscles can also become bulky, giving the face a square appearance—often due to teeth grinding or clenching from stress.

Treatment options.

Dr. Brigid Lee may recommend a personalised treatment plan for your jawline concerns. This could include a combination of dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle treatments, and EMFACE. The good news is that it's possible to restore a more balanced, refined appearance.

Book a complimentary consultationto enhance your natural contours and achieve a defined profile.

Studio shot of young beautiful woman
Studio shot of young beautiful woman

Chin concerns.

One of the earliest signs of aging is the loss of a firm, angular jawline.

A receding chin (also known as a weak chin) is one that lacks projection or prominence. Fortunately it is possible to add structure and volume to shape your chin to enhance your natural facial proportions, especially when seen side on. As we age you might notice chin wrinkles and lines can appear over your chin or as a deep crease between your lip and chin.

Treatment options.

It is possible to soften chin dimpling and the prominent chin crease with a combination of treatments. Anti-wrinkle treatments can be used to relax and overactive chin and dermal fillers can soften creases and lines.

Book a complimentary consultation to address chin and jawline concerns.

Book a complimentary consultation to achieve a more defined profile.

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