Brunette woman during removes brown spots on face, Beautician using ELOS rejuvenation technology
Brunette woman during removes brown spots on face, Beautician using ELOS rejuvenation technology

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

The treatment our clients ask for time and time again.

We have been using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology since we opened. Age (brown) spots, melasma, small dilated capillaries, sun damage and rosacea are some of the most prevalent skin issues that can be treated with IPL technology while IPL also tightens pores and stimulates collagen production.

This minimally invasive treatment is popular because it has few side effects, minimal recovery time and treatments last.

IPL is unique in its ability to change the structure of skin cells, making them behave more like young cells. A 10-year study at Stanford University in California demonstrated that having two to three IPL treatments per year for a decade can positively alter the genes of dermal cells. Researchers think that IPL can prevent (and not just treat) many of the superficial signs of ageing.

IPL combats the effects of UV damage in two ways. First IPL penetrates and targets the discoloured cells in the dermis and by removing them it gets rid of dark age spots to restore an even, dewy complexion. It then stimulates regeneration of the collagen that has been destroyed by the sun making the skin appear stronger and more supple. It is also one of the best treatments available for visible blood vessel abnormalities that cause redness, like rosacea.


  • Improved sun damaged skin, scars and acne scars
  • Minimised pigmentation
  • Reduction of redness/rosacea
  • Enhanced tone and texture
  • Increased collagen
  • Smoother softer skin

Frequently Asked Questions

How many treatments do I need?

It is recommended to have a course of treatments, anything from 3-6 treatments spaced about a month apart. Remember it has taken years to accumulate the sun damage, so it is going to take a few treatments to restore the skin to its original youthful appearance!


After that it is recommended to have 1-2 IPL treatments per year to remove any new sun damage acquired since the last treatments.

How long does an IPL treatment take?

Treatments take around 20 minutes.

Can men use IPL?

Yes, IPL treatments are great for men and women of all ages.

What are the possible side effects?

Some redness (similar to what you will see after a good workout) will last from a few minutes to several hours after treatment. You may experience some swelling and the brown age spots and uneven pigmentation will turn slightly darker after treatment and then flake off over the next few days.

Discover our expertise for yourself, the very best version of you is only a consultation away.

Our 8 hottest treatments.

 To add to your must do list...

Reduce lines, tighten the face.

Erase wrinkles. smooth the face.

Get flowing in an instant.

Brighten, remove sun damage.

Reshape, reduce, contour.

Lift, tighten the face.

The ultimate face lifting treatment.

Restore volume.

Our 8 hottest treatments.

 To add to your must do list...

Reduce lines, tighten the face.

Erase wrinkles, smooth the face.

Get flowing in an instant.

Brighten, remove sun damage.

Reshape, reduce, contour.

Lift, tighten the face.

The ultimate face lifting treatment.

Restore volume.

Skin Rejuvenation Clinic Special Full Face IPL Normally $299 now $250

Get glowing for
Valentines Day
with our special offer
on IPL skin treatment!